Finding Joy Throughout The Year

Finding joy Throughout 2024 from Wellness Ministry

A New Year Brings New Possibilities

As we begin a new year full of opportunities many people wonder how they will have joy when there are so many life situations that don’t feel “joyful” at all. Loss of a loved one, loss of a job, loss of a relationship, financial concerns, illness and pain impact many of us and the holidays seem to tell us that we have to be or we’re  supposed to be happy, cheerful and full of joy. One of the mistakes that we sometimes make is lumping happiness and joy into one definition. If we separate these two words it can make addressing each one much easier and ultimately our lives much easier. We can then begin to recognize that joy is truly possible for this  holiday season and all the seasons of our lives.

Let us settle it once and for all, joy is not happiness.

The Lexham Bible Dictionary states “joy is more a state of being than an emotion: a result of choice. The key difference between happiness and joy is : Happiness tends to be achieved externally while joy is something achieved internally.”

It’s important to remember that God promises us joy but He never promised us happiness. Happiness is an emotion, it’s an emotion just like anger or sadness. Happiness is short lived, you can be happy about something that happens in your life but you will not be continually happy forever. There is nothing wrong with happiness and we can get it from a lot of different things some good and some not so good. But joy is a long lasting state of being that God promised and gives to us, if and only if we chose to receive it. Meg Bucher, writer and author states that joy is supernatural, “ Joy supernaturally sustains our souls in seasons of heartache, injustice and sorrow. Enduring the valleys of life is nearly impossible without the life-giving fuel of joy in Christ. Happiness is a reaction to something great. Joy is the product of someone great – our Lord.”

How To Find Joy!

Jonathan Evans, a mentor, author, speaker, and former NFL fullback treasures his relationship with Christ along with the opportunity to use his life to glorify God. Jonathan seeks to impact today’s athletes, men, and young adults by equipping and encouraging them in their faith.

Jonathan serves with his pastor, friend, and father, Dr. Tony Evans, both in the local church and the national ministry. They also teamed up together to write Get in the Game, a practical guidebook filled with sports analogies and spiritual truths aimed at strengthening readers with the skills they need for living victoriously.

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Joy Builders

For the joy of the Lord is your strength. Nehemiah 8:10b

Choose Joy

It seems like a simple, ineffective answer to how we should deal with the problems in our lives but in God’s economy that’s how it works. Choosing joy is the first step towards joy. One of the greatest gifts that God gave to us is the freedom of choice. What does choosing joy mean? It means choosing to place our lives in the capable hands of God who said that He is our protector, our healer, our helper, our refuge and our strength. Once we make that choice and keep choosing it, the supernatural wonder working power of God places joy within our hearts.

Endure Hardship

Endure hardship God’s way.  Job is a perfect example of enduring hardship God’s way. Everything of this world was taken away from Job, his wealth, his  possessions, his children and his health. But the one thing that Job never lost was his faith in God. Job did not deny his pain and he spoke to God very clearly about his concerns but he also never forgot who God is. He knew that God made him, he knew that God’s ways were not his ways and he knew God’s character. Study Job’s life and apply the lessons to yours.

Embrace Peace

Embrace Peace and Contentment. Peace and contentment are cornerstones for living a joyful life. The word “embrace” is an action word, so in order to embrace peace and contentment in your life you have to take action. Practice gratitude, cultivate an awareness of staying mindful of the present moments of your life, accept the things you can’t change, change the things you can and trust that God is fully capable of taking care of all your needs.

Blossom with Authenticity

What does it mean to blossom with authenticity? Authenticity is a key to unlocking joy within. So many of us do not live our lives as the authentic and true self that God created us to be. Authenticity is being the unique person God made us to be but also becoming within that unique person more like Jesus. Blossom in your uniqueness by studying how Jesus lived.

Connect With Meaning

Connect with yourself and others with meaning and purpose. See the ups and downs of life as opportunities to find meaning and purpose in those experiences. Journaling is a wonderful way to connect the dots of your life and understand the truth of all things working together for good if we love and are called to the purposes of God. Search the scriptures and see what God says about your circumstances.

Prioritize Prayer

Prioritize Prayer – Prayer, Prayer and more Prayer. Prayer is a primary road to finding joy. C. Francis Arinze wrote “praying without ceasing means to have a spirit of prayer throughout the day to strive to remain united with God – this type of prayer of the heart implies that the person is constantly ready to do the will of God”. There it is again, finding joy is an action and we must be ready to do His will – Job’s breakthrough came when he prayed for his friends!

Prayer for Peace from Wellness Ministry VABC

Prayers for Joy and Peace

Father of Mercies, please, Lord, I long for joy in my heart and peace in my soul. Bless me with contentment, so I may know what it feels like to love this life  entirely. I desire to be near You every moment, and I know if I am, I will be able to receive the joy that is waiting for me. Hold my hand, guide me, and let me live in Your perfect will. Wrap Your Spirit around me, so my every breath is in sequence with Yours. Let peace envelop my thoughts and encompass my body. May I never, ever pull away. In Jesus’ awesome name, I pray. Amen.

Oh, Heavenly Father, my rock and my guide, in Your presence, I seek solace and confide. Fill my heart with contentment, I pray, That in Your love, I find peace every day. In a world that tempts with fleeting desires, Grant me the strength to resist worldly fires.