What Is Elevate?
ELEVATE is a fresh community-focused, contemporary worship experienced designed to intentionally reach and ELEVATE young people, young adults, and young families for Jesus Christ.
When Does Elevate Happen?
2nd & 4th Friday, 6:00 - 7:30 PMTwice Monthly
Every 2nd and 4th Friday from 6:00 – 7:30 PM at Vermont Avenue Baptist Church, 1630 Vermont Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20009
Why We Launched Elevate
Next Generation Walking with GodA New Kind of Worship Experience
ELEVATE is designed to help us reach people who are not interested in a traditional worship experience. Specifically, this is our intentional attempt to reach your
grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and their friends who do not currently worship with us.
How Elevate Works
In Every Quadrant of DCElevate In Every Area of Life
Elevate wants to see everyone ELEVATE in every area of their lives, and we believe the best way to that is to get closer to God. (Matthew 6:33)
A Fresh Approach to Worship
One of the things that many of our members agree on is our need to make a concerted effort to reach young people. This desire grows out of our rich history of having a strong youth program under Pastor C.T. Murray. Unfortunately, we have not been able to connect to and retain young people at our church. Many of you know the important role that youth and young people play in the survival and sustainability of a church. In response to that we have created ELEVATE worship experience.
This service is going to be our intentional way of making a traditional church attractive to young people who do NOT want a traditional worship experience. This is a welcomed addition to our church. After adding a more intentional virtual worship this new worship experience positions us to reach young people for Jesus Christ. Our ability to share Christ with the next generation will help ensure a bright future for our church. God continues to do amazing things.
ELEVATE will have one foot in the church and one foot in the community with an initial specific focus on Howard University and our local skate park. We will have intentional impact in every quadrant of Washington DC. We will meet people where they are and help them ELEVATE with Jesus Christ!